How to Discipline Dogs After Fighting

How to Discipline Dogs After Fighting: 5 Key Methods.

How to Discipline Dogs After Fighting

See, dogs are the most loyal and loving pet animals, whether it’s in the house or even on the street. A little bit of care and love will definitely mean a loving world to them, and they will know that anybody is harmless.

But in most cases, dogs are likely to fight with other dogs while walking in the park or on the street because they think the other one is a threat to them.

So, here is a quick and easy guide on How to Discipline Dogs After Fighting for all the dog lovers.

Here are the causes of dog fighting.

How to Discipline Dogs After Fighting

The causes of dog fighting can be various reasons, such as when another dog approaches while they are eating or when they are teased or disturbed during their mealtime.

The dog might feel fear or threatened, so it can become aggressive to make other dogs run away or engage in fights with each other.

Something to note here is that dogs can become aggressive and may engage in fights with people too, especially if they are wearing darker-colored clothes or shiny items, or if they encounter unfamiliar faces.

Lack of love, along with frustrations and past traumatic and awful memories, may lead the dog to adopt aggressive behavior.

So! How to Discipline Dogs After Fighting.

How to Discipline Dogs After Fighting (Dog Sleeping in couch)

Okay, you take your dog for a walk in the park or on the street, and your dog sees another dog and starts barking toward it. You can lead your dog in a different direction immediately far away from that dog.

Later, you can start talking to your dog in a mumble gently and affectionately to comfort it.

But the problem is when your dog has already started fighting with another dog. So, here are a few practical guides on How to discipline dogs after fighting.

1. Separate the Dogs Immediately

When the dogs are already involved in a fight, immediate action is most necessary. You must separate them immediately before it gets worse.

Dogs biting each other will make the situation even more violent and dangerous.

You may use sticks to prevent harm to yourself, but do not hit the dog. Hitting the dog can lead to more aggression. This separation serves two purposes.

It prevents dogs from further aggression and reduces their increased anger to help them cool off and lower their stress levels. further action of owner must be:

  • Use leashes on dogs while walking on the street and don’t leave them unattended.
  • Close the gates of the house and tie them in a safe and suitable place.
  • Inside the home, if the dogs fight with each other, then make separate but similar cages for the dogs. Dogs can feel jealousy, so take care of their emotions.

2. Checkout for Injuries

After you separate the dogs after a fight, the next step is a must. Pay attention to scratches, dog bites, internal injuries, or any kind of wounds.

If you see any minor or major wounds, you can home medication or basic home care or consult a vet hospital. This shows your love and care for your dog and dogs understands that.

3. Understanding the Triggers of Fight

So, what causes dogs to fight? Is there something bothering them? When dogs engage in a fight, it resembles a significant disagreement between them. To prevent such situations, it’s crucial to comprehend the reasons for the initial conflict. Dogs may fight due to various factors, such as:

  • Bothered or afraid of the sexual behavior of an opposite-sex dog.
  • In unfamiliar surroundings, dogs might get fear by unfamiliar dogs.
  • Miscommunication between dogs.
  • Guarding something they love from the other dog, like food or their favorite toys.
  • Unusual colors like darker clothing or dark surroundings might make them feel fearful.
  • Protecting their space, like their bed or favorite spots.

Let me use an example here: Imagine your dogs got into a fight because they both wanted to sit on the sofa, but one dog wanted it all to itself, and that caused the fight.

To make sure a fight won’t happen next time, you can set up more comfy spots for both of your dogs to sit or sleep.

It should be a spot with sunlight and a warmer environment. This way, they won’t argue over the sofa anymore. You must be present with them for a few days to make sure they like it.

Loving Dogs

4. Love Language

After separating dogs from a following fight, it’s essential to avoid harsh punishments. Instead, you must focus on using a loving and gentle tone, along with petting, to help reduce their feelings of sadness, aggression, and fear.

Correction is important, but being harsh is not the solution. Prioritize love and petting for both dogs, which can include their favorite treats, praise, attention, and affection to encourage good behavior.

5. Consulting a dog training program or pursuing home training.

The most crucial part of disciplining dogs is to consult a dog training program at the nearest dog training center. If the dog still displays aggression, this can be the best approach for addressing the issue of how to discipline dogs after fighting.

Alternatively, you can engage in basic dog training at home.

How to reintroduce dogs after a fight

How to Discipline Dogs After Fighting. 2 Friendly Dogs.

Reintroducing dogs after a fight can be a time-consuming process that requires patience. You can reintroduce dogs after basic home training.

Here’s what you can do: Start from the beginning. Separate the dogs so they cannot see each other. You can create an in-and-out schedule, taking one dog out for a walk while the other stays at home. Repeat the same with the other dog and continue this process for several days.

After several days, you can take both dogs out for a walk, ensuring they are kept at a safe distance where they cannot meet each other.

Keep doing this for several days as well. Here, you need to observe whether the dogs are remaining calm, not feeling threatened, fearful, or barking at each other.

If they are not barking at each other, then it is a good sign to reintroduce them. But if they start barking, it may indicate that the dogs need further training and love.

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